April 25 D-I-Y Graywater Installation Workshop

Image by Oasis Design
GRAY IS the NEW GREEN: a Collection of Graywater Education Opportunities
Friday, March 27 Community Potluck & Presentation
Saturday, March 28 Graywater Home Tour
Saturday, April 25 Graywater DIY Installation Workshop

Please Share the Flyer
Graywater Tier 1 No Permit Required Information
Graywater Tier 2 Easy Permit Required Information

An instructional DVD from the originators of the L2L system is available at Oasis Design

Continue reading “April 25 D-I-Y Graywater Installation Workshop”

Salon Series III: Friday, May 8

Next Salon Slated for Friday, May 8.
Theme: “Light and Dark”

“A salon is a gathering of people under the roof of an inspiring host, held partly to amuse one another and partly to refine the taste and increase the knowledge of the participants through conversation.”
Bosse_Salon_de_dames.jpgSALON SERIES III is Friday, May 8th, 7 to 9 p.m. at the Ojai Valley Green Coalition Resource Center – 206 N. Signal St., Suite S, in downtown Ojai.
In honor of the International Year of Light, May’s Salon theme is ‘Light and Dark’.
The wonder of the night sky has been a constant since the dawn of civilization. It has inspired countless generations, poets, scientists and dreamers.
In Science, darkness is the absence of light, but can we have light without the dark? The night atmosphere chemically goes through a self-cleaning process, so our daylight atmosphere is purer.
In Art, dark and light use each other to create a picture that looks real. This contrast is very important, and the artist has to learn how to work with both.
In Psychology, the dark or shadow informs the light or consciousness. This consciousness or wisdom is dependent on the exploration of the invisible or the dark.
Where are you on the spectrum? Come share in the medium that speaks to you – spoken word, image, object, song. . .

Continue reading “Salon Series III: Friday, May 8”

4th Annual Seed & Plant Swap

Saturday, February 28 – 1 to 4 p.m.
Chaparral Auditorium 414 E. Ojai Ave., Ojai
 Gardeners and farmers both current and aspiring are invited to join in for the 4th Annual Ojai Valley Seed & Plant Swap. All are welcome to bring stories and a passion for growing food, and if you have them, bring seeds, cuttings, or starts to share. The Swap is hosted by the Ojai Valley Green Coalition with Food for Thought Ojai and the Center for Regenerative Agriculture.
We also invite nonprofits and growers to sell local seeds, starts and garden amendments. A donation of 10% of gross sales to the Ojai Valley Green Coalition is requested. For further information or to coordinate sharing or selling seeds and plants contact the Green Coalition at (805) 669-8445 or coordinator@ojaivalleygreencoalition.com.
A $5 donation is suggested, if not bringing items to share or sell.
If swapping, no need to register. When you arrive you can find free table space and a chair, if you want to stay with your seeds; or there will be an unstaffed community table for misc. seeds.

Download the Flyer to Share and We’ll See You There

Save Our Water, Ojai!

New Water Resource Webpage – Good Job Ventura River Watershed Council!

“Water efficiency” means using improved technologies and practices that deliver equal or better service with less water.
“Water conservation” is the curtailment of water use – doing “less” with less water.

Water-saving InfoMark
Indoor Tips
Outdoor Tips
Water Conservation Checklist
Graywater 101
Graywater Guidelines Ventura County
Graywater Gardening – from Buckets to Irrigation Systems
WaterSense Label
Water Efficient Product Search
Rebates & Toolkits
Save Our H20 Toolkit
FREE Water Conservation Devices
High Efficiency Washers & Toilets
Smart Irrigation Controllers
Rebate Finder
Water Wise Gardening in Ventura County
Water Saving Plants
Drought Tolerant Garden
