Energizing Ojai

Typically summertime is the time when energy consumption starts to soar higher and higher. Factors such as increased air-conditioning loads, pool pumps having to run longer, and children who are on vacation from school mean using more power at home. In addition to this, all the extra water needed to keep plants alive in the hot Ojai summer uses a tremendous amount of power to treat and pump.

Continue reading “Energizing Ojai”

Dark Skies Initiative (Next Step, More Support Needed)

The Coalition has supported the diligent work of members Gail Topping and George Berg for over five years now to prevent the further increase of light pollution in our valley and hopefully reverse the trend. The full scope of our Dark Skies Initiative is to protect wildlife, cut energy waste and minimize light pollution.
At its May 12 meeting the City Planning Commission, after reviewing the lighting ordinance developed by city staff to replace the existing ordinance, requested further direction from City Council to write a better ordinance.
To help a representative from the International Dark Sky Association based in Arizona will present to the City Council and meet with city representatives to answer questions and help develop our local lighting ordinance to best meet our community needs now and in the future. PLEASE COME OUT TO THE JUNE 12 CITY COUNCIL MEETING at 7 p.m. to welcome our out of town guest and let city officials know this is an important issue. What was a fringe environmental conversation even five years ago is now front and center and being seriously discussed at different government levels around the world. Dark Skies are not only important to wildlife, energy conservation and stopping light pollution, but also an important component of our local tourist economy. Imagine a visitor being so taken by the night skies over Ojai and learning why that is important, that she starts a Dark Skies effort back home.
Continue to read about the Dark-Sky Association
Visit the Ojai City Council website here

Creek Habitat Restoration – June 16th

Creek Habitat Restoration
Sat, June 16, 9:30am – 1:00pm
Where Libbey Park, Ojai (Map)
Description Last Call until Fall to Help with Creek Habitat Restoration Please join the Ojai Valley Green Coalition and The C.R.E.W. on Saturday morning June 16th to help out with the ongoing creek restoration project in lower Libbey Park, downtown Ojai. Volunteers can just show up, but should check in by 9:30 a.m. at the volunteer sign-up table next to the old jail building in the lower Libbey Park. The work will go on until about 1:00 p.m. Those under the age of 18 will need liability release waivers signed by a parent or guardian. If coming by car, you can park at the lower Libbey parking lot off of South Montgomery Street and follow the signs. Wear a hat, long pants and long sleeves with closed-toed shoes or boots. We will be removing invasive non-native plants, planting native trees and shrubs and mulching with cardboard and woodchips.
The Coalition will provide work gloves, tools, water and snacks. For more information please contact david@ojaivalleygreencoalition.com or call (805) 669-8445.

Goodmaker Challenge

Vote by May 31 for OJAI and bring $2,000 to help Ojai begin a Net Zero Energy vision
(you do have to register, but then can unsubscribe)
Overview of Idea
It’s a possible dream. The Ojai Valley can produce as much energy as we consume. With energy efficiency and renewable power we can make our community a “Net Zero” energy user. The Ojai Valley Green Coalition proposes reaching this goal by presenting affordable and realistic solutions to all members of the community.
The Specifics: What will the $2,000 fund?
With $2,000 the Ojai Energy Efficiency Initiative will be able to host even more presentations and hands on do-it-yourself workshops that enable energy consumers to better control power consumption. These efforts will help people to realize simple, affordable, and sometimes free ways to save energy through various conservation and efficiency retrofit programs and to learn how to take advantage of various financial methods to produce energy through clean renewable and local sources like solar, wind, and bio-energy. In partnership with our local utilities and energy efficiency programs we will provide a clear method and action plan to achieve our goal of a “Net Zero” Ojai with a common purpose to save energy, save money and save the planet.
Check out Ojai Energy Efficiency Initiative at www.ojaienergy.org

Please don’t delay and vote today! Challenge ends May 31. Thank you.

May 18 Garden Work Day Was A Success!

Thanks to all who came out and helped at May 18 garden work day! A lot was accomplished and the garden area is looking great.
For past footage of work done watch the video below:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3eWLiKhkmY&w=420&h=315]

May is Water Awareness Month!

Water agencies, land conservancies, nonprofits and others have many offerings in May, and throughout the year, for learning about, supporting, and enjoying our precious Ventura River watershed.
Free outdoor conservation water kits for Golden State Water Customers. Go to gswater.com for details.
Click here for the calendar-view of the events!


May 11 – OVGC Community Gathering & Spring Feast

OVGC Community Gathering & Spring Feast
Friday, May 11
Ojai Valley Green Coalition Community Potluck and Program – Friday, May 11, 6:30- 9:00 p.m. at Chaparral Auditorium, 414 E. Ojai Ave., Ojai.
Mingle with neighbors, share a potluck supper and learn practical steps each one of us can do to save on our water bill and make our watershed more resilient to drought. Local water experts will explain how the Ventura River watershed acts and reacts to drought periods.

The evening will be topped off with a drawing for a down jacket donated by Patagonia. Must be present to win.

RSVP is requested so we can be better prepared,
and to reduce our landfill waste, please bring your own table service (plate, silverware, mug, and cloth napkin). For more information email noel@ojaivalleygreencoalition.com or call (805) 669-8445.
Click here to: DOWNLOAD May 11th Potluck FLYER
Also… Download Water Awareness Month Calendar: http://www.venturawatershed.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/MayCalendar_FrontandBack.pdf

May 12 – Creek Workday – Final Until Fall – This Saturday

Ojai Valley Green Coalition is spearheading volunteer recruitment for current creek restoration work in Libbey Park, Ojai being led by the C.R.E.W. Please join us for our next work day: Saturday, May 12, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (The final one until next Fall.) We will be removing invasive non-native plants and reestablishing native habitat.
A hat is highly recommended, as are long pants and closed-toed shoes or boots. The Coalition will provide work gloves, tools, water and snacks, but feel free to bring along your own gloves and digging tools.
Parking is available at the lower Libbey parking lot off of South Montgomery Street. To check in follow the signs to the work site near the old jailhouse building in lower Libbey Park (between the bike path and the park’s lower tennis courts). Those under the age of 18 will need a liability release waiver signed by a parent or guardian. For more information or for waivers please contact david@ojaivalleygreencoalition.com or call (805) 669-8445.

2012 Ojai Valley Earth Day ‘Earth Play’ a Great Community Event!

Thank you to all who entertained, exhibited, volunteered, and spent the day with us.
Congratulations to the Oak Grove School grandparent, who won the raffle grand prize.
Check out interviews with some of the vendors. . .
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3