Spring is coming and what better time to gather in the beautiful Ojai Valley to share seeds and seedlings! All gardeners and farmers – both current and aspiring – are invited to join in for the 2nd Annual Ojai Valley Seed & Plant Exchange on Saturday, February 23, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. All are welcome to bring your stories and passion for growing food to the Chaparral Auditorium located at 414 E. Ojai Ave., Ojai. And if you have them, bring seeds, cuttings, or starts to share. We encourage you to bring your own repurposed seed containers (think envelopes out of the recycle bin). And our favorite local expert on beneficial insects,
Rincon Vitova, will be on hand to answer questions.
The exchange is hosted by All Good Things Organic Seeds and the Ojai Valley Green Coalition.
This year we’re expanding to include plants grown locally and inviting nonprofits and growers to sell seeds and starts. A donation of 10% of gross sales to the Ojai Valley Green Coalition is requested. For further information or to coordinate sharing or selling seeds and plants contact Justin Huhn at (805) 758-3184 or agtoseeds@gmail.com.
Click here to download the flyer!