Dark Skies Takes a Leap Foward

At the June 12 Ojai City Council meeting, Scott Kardel of the International Dark-Skies Association, gave a well-received presentation on why we want dark skies and need an exterior lighting ordinance to support it. Watch it here: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_rVGXVis8w&w=420&h=315] Scott then met with city staff and community members to discuss the details of the ordinance. …

June E-News 2012

Check out the Ojai Valley Green Coalition’s monthly E-news: * Energizing Ojai * Dark Skies Initiative * Accepting Projects for Home Tour * Meet Our Staff Read E-News Here…

Energizing Ojai

Typically summertime is the time when energy consumption starts to soar higher and higher. Factors such as increased air-conditioning loads, pool pumps having to run longer, and children who are on vacation from school mean using more power at home. In addition to this, all the extra water needed to keep plants alive in the …

Dark Skies Initiative (Next Step, More Support Needed)

The Coalition has supported the diligent work of members Gail Topping and George Berg for over five years now to prevent the further increase of light pollution in our valley and hopefully reverse the trend. The full scope of our Dark Skies Initiative is to protect wildlife, cut energy waste and minimize light pollution. At …

FOOD NEWS – June 2012

Find out what the Food Council has been up to: * GMO Labeling Proposition * Day on the Farm Success * Montessori School Garden * Montessori School Garden * Snap Pea & Potato Salad Recipe Read Food News Here…

Goodmaker Challenge

Vote by May 31 for OJAI and bring $2,000 to help Ojai begin a Net Zero Energy vision http://earthday.maker.good.is/projects/ojaienergy (you do have to register, but then can unsubscribe) Overview of Idea It’s a possible dream. The Ojai Valley can produce as much energy as we consume. With energy efficiency and renewable power we can make …

May 18 Garden Work Day Was A Success!

Thanks to all who came out and helped at May 18 garden work day! A lot was accomplished and the garden area is looking great. For past footage of work done watch the video below: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3eWLiKhkmY&w=420&h=315]