Hosted by City of Ojai planning commissioner, Ray Powers and the Ojai Valley Green Coalition, the goal for this Fire Safe & Earthquake Resilient Home Design series is to present possibilities and perspectives on creating a safer, resilient and sustainable Ojai Valley.

This design series will be in a discussion platform to allow policy makers, building professionals and residents the opportunity to become educated and proactive about implementing methods of home design that assure emergency preparedness.

Panelists and presenters include Art Ludwig (Oasis Designs , reinforced adobe structures), Sasha Rabin (Quail Springs Permaculture Center, cob building), Dastan Kalili (CalEarth, super adobe), Jane Carroll (architectural designer, straw bale) Johnny Johnston (Ojai City Mayor), Matt Wyatt (Ventura County Bldg & Safety District Manager II) 

$5.00 suggested donation at the door