Catching Water w/Connor Jones

Saturday and Sunday
Dec 1 + 2, 10am- 3pm

This permaculture water catchment workshop is a part of a series of waterwise design workshops at the Ojai Community Demonstration Garden. Workshops will be hosted first weekend of every month.

Learn how to manage stormwater at the Ojai Community Garden. We’ll be designing and building a series of basins to receive road runoff, slow it down, spread it out, and sink it into the soil. This is an opportunity to learn techniques that can be used all over the Ojai Valley to improve the infiltration of rainwater and increase the availability of groundwater. Every garden in Ojai should incorporate this crucial design element.

Where: Ojai Community Demonstration Garden

When: Saturday and Sunday December 1 + 2, 10am-3pm

Biking: There is a bike rack to lock up your bike.

Parking: Please Park in the lot on S Blanche S and W Santa Ana St.

What to bring: Pad of paper, pen/pencil, refillable water bottle, work gloves, and wear comfortable shoes.

We will be providing lunch and will have a water bottle refill station.

The special $15 cost for this two day workshop is being generously underwritten by the City of Ojai, Ventura River Water District, and Ojai Mayor Johnny Johnson

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