Thank You! Our Match Was Reached – $11,240.00

Dear Members and Readers,
You are the force behind our MISSION and VISION.
Please join OVGC in saying β€œYES!” to solutions for positive change and a cleaner, healthier future.
Become a member or renew, consider a year-end extra gift and gift memberships for family and friends.
Our goal is $30,000.
$20,000 (community) + $10,000 (matching) = $30,000 (to help do our good work)

OVGC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, your contribution is fully deductible.
And from NOW until January 31, 2014 EVERY dollar you contribute will be DOUBLED up to $10,000.
Thank you for your consideration.
Year-end Appeal Letter
Year-end Postcard Mailer