The wasteful evening illumination of unused buildings, parking lots and streets obscures the stars in our night sky and disrupts the circadian rhythms of humans and wildlife, damaging our environment in ways we are only beginning to understand.
Turning off night-time lights, reducing night wattage and shielding exterior lights are all easy ways to conserve energy and help the environment. With considerable studies showing the unintended adverse consequences of night-time lighting, the time to act is now. That’s why we are so excited about the updated Exterior Lighting Standards Ordinance* coming up for vote at the Tuesday, February 26, 2013 Ojai City Council meeting, thanks to Coalition member, Gail Topping.
*Download Ordinance Document Here
If you are concerned about light pollution and reducing our lighting energy consumption in the valley, please join us in requesting lights ‘down’. Attend the February 26 Ojai city council meeting beginning at 7 p.m.