On Saturday, March 10 nine C.R.E.W. members and 20 volunteers (mostly youth from Ventura College, Oak Grove School, Ojai Valley School, and San Antonio Elementary) worked together to remove invasive vegetation and plant oak trees, willow cuttings, mulefat, and mugwort. One large oak tree donated by Flora Gardens was ceremonially planted and named Querci.
Ojai Valley Green Coalition is spearheading the volunteer recruitment and we encourage you to join in for our next work days Saturday, March 24th and Saturday, April 28th, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. You can just show up, but should check in by 9:30 a.m. at the work site near the old jailhouse building in lower Libbey Park between the bike path and the park’s lower tennis courts. Those under the age of 18 will need the liability release waivers signed by a parent or guardian.
If coming by car, you can park at the lower Libbey parking lot off of South Montgomery Street and follow the signs. Wear long pants with closed-toed shoes or boots and a hat is highly recommended. We will again be removing invasive non-natives plants and planting native habitat. The Coalition will provide work gloves, tools, water and snacks.
For more information or for waivers please contact david@ojaivalleygreencoalition.com or call (805) 669-8445.