Coming before the Ojai City Council is a single-use carryout bag ban/fee ordinance. At its basis, the ordinance bans plastic bags and places a fee on recycled content paper bags (state law does not allow a fee to be placed on plastic bags). The council will do its first reading of the ordinance on February 28, at 7:30pm, at which time the Coalition will give a five minute presentation. The council is tentatively slated to vote on the ordinance March 13. We encourage you to attend these meetings and voice your support for the ordinance. At the same time, letters to the editor and online conversations at the Ojai Valley News and Ojai Post help the cause.
To read the ordinance go to the Ojai city website and read the Bag Ordinance .pdf.
City of Ojai: website.
Public Meetings will take place in the Council Chambers at the Ojai City Hall unless otherwise noted. City Hall is located at 401 S Ventura St, Ojai CA.