The Coalition has supported the diligent work of members Gail Topping and George Berg for over five years now to prevent the further increase of light pollution in our valley and hopefully reverse the trend. The full scope of our Dark Skies Initiative is to protect wildlife, cut energy waste and minimize light pollution.
At its May 12 meeting the City Planning Commission, after reviewing the lighting ordinance developed by city staff to replace the existing ordinance, requested further direction from City Council to write a better ordinance.
To help a representative from the International Dark Sky Association based in Arizona will present to the City Council and meet with city representatives to answer questions and help develop our local lighting ordinance to best meet our community needs now and in the future. PLEASE COME OUT TO THE JUNE 12 CITY COUNCIL MEETING at 7 p.m. to welcome our out of town guest and let city officials know this is an important issue. What was a fringe environmental conversation even five years ago is now front and center and being seriously discussed at different government levels around the world. Dark Skies are not only important to wildlife, energy conservation and stopping light pollution, but also an important component of our local tourist economy. Imagine a visitor being so taken by the night skies over Ojai and learning why that is important, that she starts a Dark Skies effort back home.
Continue to read about the Dark-Sky Association
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